Yesterday was interesting. We went over 5 different modifications to a simple hello world C program. I only remember three of the five at this point, but found some very staggering results with simple things we can do the change the assembly time and effectiveness. My group compared the assembler code produced when we use the base program to a program that uses a function call to print the hello world. We found that there was an additional 6 lines of assembly when using an additional function call to print hello world. With the other groups one compiled the program with and with out debug information. which in turn sped up the run time of the code by a whole 20%! The last group that I can remember used two methods of printing "printf" and some other print statement which i've never heard of. It turned out printf was 1 line longer and much slower due to the over complexity of the command where the other function skipped a step and used xor logic on it's self to zero out the program for the return. Super neat stuff learned, and I'm excited to implement them in later projects!
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