Sofar I was having the issue of the server not having the hardware needed to run perf. That was recently resolved last night. So I finally went ahead and ran some of the perf tests on the Zstandard software running it against a pack of varied sized jpeg photos. a set of 15, and then set of 150. ( I made 10 copied of each photo) I wanted to see consistency. I also ran a few time tests on it and I got it with in a few thousandth of a second as far as how close to similar results go. The time just scaled by a factor when I multiplied the quantity of photos by 10. It simply took 10x longer. Which made sense. It was the same data but 10 times more. Not the perf. I found out that the time to compress 15 photos was so small that the system overhead setting up the program took 5 times longer than the compression! How ever when I bumped the number of photos up to 150, that obviously dropped. So it was roughly 50% to compression and about 15-30% for system overhead.

This is the time test with 15 photos

This is the time test with 150 photos

This is the perf report compressing 150 photos! You can see it spends a lot of time on the one function. Which is actually just a constructor for an object. The file running it has a lot of checking going on though. different file sizes, finding files, checking end of streams and such.

And lastly this is the assembler behind that main hot function. This is what the perf yields when you go deeper into the graph to look at what is happening. You an see that a cmp in the assembler is being called a lot.
As of now I still do not have 100% of what I want to do with the project plan, but It should all be written up tomorrow night.
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